ग्रीन डेभलपमेन्ट बैङ्कमा रोजगारीको अवसर

Green Development Bank Limited, a Regional Level Development Bank having Central Office at Pokhara-8, Kaki invites application from highly dynamic, pragmatic, committed and performance oriented Nepalese citizen on the following positions:
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1. Deputy Chief Executive Officer (One)
The DCEO shall be responsible for the strategic leadership & management of the bank and shall be accountable to CEO. Candidate must have the capacity for effective implementation of strategic plans providing strategic direction and leadership for the achievement of bank's vision, mission, strategies and annual goals.

Qualification & Experience:

  • Candidate must possess minimum Master's Degree in Management/Finance/Business
  • Candidate must have at least 10 years of experience in Bank and Financial Institutions in officer level or above.
  • Candidate must be highly confident, dynamic and visionary.
  • Candidate must be able to achieve consistent and sound business growth.
  • Candidate must possess excellent leadership, interpersonal, organizing, analytical, problem solving and communication skills.

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Knowledge and Skills:

  • Candidate must possess experience knowledge of domestic as well as international banking regulations and best practices
  • Candidates must be proactive leadership to develop and maintain successful long term business growth for the bank.
  • Candidate must be excellent organizing, analytical and problem- solving skills and ability to think strategically and communicate effectively.

2. Senior Manager (One)
Green Development Bank Limited call for the application who is team-oriented, critical thinker with a passion for solving business problems in Senior Management position.

Qualification, Experience & Skills:

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Only qualified candidates meeting the above criteria are requested to email their applications to [email protected] along with the latest updated resume no later 5:00PM on 30* June, 2023.

Only short-listed candidates will be called for an interview. Bank reserve the rights to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning the reason whatsoever.

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यो खबर पढेर तपाईलाई कस्तो महसुस भयो ?


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