ज्ञानमाण्डू। सनराइज बैंकले विभिन्न पदमा कर्मचारीहरू माग गरेकाे छ ।
Sunrise Bank Limited is a fast growing "A" Class Commercial Bank with diversification to various areas of functions and expansion aims to increase the pace of quality growth in the coming years. In this process, the bank requires a pool of competent Human Resource to surpass the targeted quality growth in an effective, efficient and sustainable manner.
The Bank would like to request for applications from competent Nepalese candidates in positions mentioned below. The respective candidates should have innate qualities including but not limited to team player, positive attitude and strive for quality performance.
1. Trade Finance Department - Managerial Level2. IT Department- Managerial Level
3. Remittance Department -Managerial Level
4. Bancassurance Unit- Officer Level
5. General Service Department- Officer Level
Eligibility criteria for the above position:
- Candidate must have a minimum of 5 years of experience in commercial Bank with exposure in related filed for applying in position 1 and 2.
- Candidate must have a minimum of 5 years of experience In related filed (marketing of International Remittance Business) for applying in position 3.
- Candidate must have 2 years of experience in commercial Bank with exposure In related filed or 4 years of experience in Insurance (both Ufe/Nonlife) field for applying in position 4.
- Candidate must have 2 years of experience in a financial institution with an engineering background for applying in position 5.
- Candidate must be working in the same position or one level below with at least one year of experience In the current position to apply In the desired position.
The candidate should clearly mention the name of the Department and Position Applying for in the application.
Major Roles and Responsibility of above position have been provided on the website of the Sank.
How to apply:
Candidates meeting the above-mentioned criteria can apply through www.sunrisebank.com.np/career within 26th February 2019.