ज्ञानमाण्डू। महिला सहयात्रा लघुवित्त वित्तीय संस्थाले सुचना प्रविधि विभाग प्रमुखमा १ जना, लेखा तथा वित्त विभाग प्रमुखमा १ जना, आन्तिरिक लेखा परिक्षण विभागमा १ जना, शाखा प्रमुखमा केही र फिल्ड सहायकमा केहि संख्यामा कर्मचारीहरू माग गरेको छ ।
Since Mahila Sahayatra Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited, a national level jurisdiction licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank to conduct 'D' class financial transactions, has to be filled permanently in the posts as per the details; With the application from interested candidates, personal details (CV), recent passport size photograph, citizenship, educational qualification including mark sheet certificate, copy of the certificate of experience, this notice has been published within 15 days. Applications are invited. From the applications received, only the shortlisted candidates will be notified by telephone and email for examination and interview.
1. Advertisement No: 01/2077/78
- Position: Head of Information Technology Department
- Category: Administrative / Officer Level
- Required Number: 1 (One)
- Desirable / Educational Qualification: Bachelor's degree in Information Technology (IT) from a recognized University and at least 2 years of work experience in the IT department of a bank or financial institution.
2. Ad No: 02/2077/78
- Designation: Head of Accounts and Finance Department
- Category: Administrative / Officer Level
- Required Number: 1 (One)
- Desirable / Educational Qualification: Bachelor's degree in Management from a recognized University or equivalent, having at least 3 years of work experience in a bank or financial institution. Special priority will be given to those working as the head of the Accounts and Finance Department.
3. Advertisement No: 03-2077 / 78
- Designation: Department of Internal Auditors
- Category: Officer level / Assistant Level
- Required Number: 1 (One)
- Desirable / Educational Qualification: Semi Qualified Chartered Accountant or Bachelor's degree in Management and 3 years of work experience in VAC and financial institutions.
4. Advertisement No: 04-2077 / 78
- Position: Branch Head
- Category: Officer Level / Assistant Level
- Required Number: Few
- Preferred / Educational Qualification: Preference will be given to candidates who have graduated from a recognized educational institution and are working in a microfinance institution or who have passed proficiency certificate level examination and have at least 3 years of work experience in microfinance, microcredit service flow, program management, and expansion. In addition, the post of a candidate will be decided on the basis of educational qualification and work experience of one of the junior officers or supervisors.
5. Advertisement No: 05-2077 / 78
- Position: Field Assistant
- Category: Assistant Level
- Required Number: Few
- Desirable / Educational Qualification: Special preference will be given to the candidates of Province No. 3 who have passed the class 12 examination and are working in microfinance institutions.
Age: Officer Category Level: 21 years and below 40 years and Assistant Category: 18 years and below 35 years. (Five years more in the upper age limit in case of female candidates) There is no age limit for the employees working in the organization.
Special consideration will be given to those who have a motorcycle license.
Note: In the interest of this financial institution, the institution shall have the right to accept or reject all or some of the applications received with or without open cause.
Mahila Sahayatra Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited
(Financial institution licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank for “D” class)
Central Office, Thaha Napa-2, Chitlang, Makwanpur
Website: www.mahailasahayatra.com.np