As Ganapati Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited requires the following employees, applications are invited from interested Nepali citizens who are qualified.
Vacancy Details:
Positions, Level Required No.
1. Junior Officer (Officer Level) -Few
2. Supervisor (Branch Head): Assistant Level- Few
3. Senior Assistant (Branch Head): Assistant Level- Few
4. Trainee Assistant -Few
Required Qualifications and Experience:
For Junior Level: Having passed the bachelor's or similar examination and worked in the related field for at least 3 years, or have passed the proficiency certificate level (10+2), 4 years work experience in the related field.
For Supervisor: Having passed Proficiency Certificate level, or similar examination and worked in the related field for at least 3 years, or having passed SLC / SEE, 5 years work experience in the related field.
For Senior Assistant: Have worked for at least 2 years in the relevant field by completing the proficiency certificate level (10+2), or a similar examination, or have passed SLC / SEE and have 3 years work experience in the related field.
For Trainee Assistant: Passed SLC or SEE. Knowledgeable about computers and willing to work in rural areas.
Age Limit:
For Officer Level: 21 completed and not exceeding 40 years. In the case of women, 5 years added.
For Assistant Level: Completed 18 years and not exceeding 35 years. In the case of women, 5 years added.
Types of Exam:
I) For Junior Officer, Supervisor, and Senior Assistant: Interview
II) For Trainee Assistant: Written, Interview, and Group Discussion
Last date to apply: Tuesday, 28th Poush 2077
How to Apply:
Interested candidates should submit a recent application along with passport size photo biodata; Applications can be submitted by email to [email protected] and the financial institution's website within 15 days from the date of publication of this notice.
Contact Details:
Ganapati Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd.
Dulegauda, Tanahun, Nepal
TEL: (977) 065-414247, 065-414297
Email: [email protected]